Lattice Aqua is a Kenyan based entity, specialized in the East African Aquaculture sector and Aquaculture development.

Lattice Aqua falls under the Lattice Consulting Ltd. Umbrella. Lattice Consulting was established in 2003 as a boutique advisory firm in corporate finance, strategy, market entry and research. Over the past 5 years Lattice has undertaken a number of researches into the East African Aquaculture sector.

Lattice is a Larive International BV. Partner and official Larive group member. Lattice Consulting and Larive International together steer the FoodTechAfrica group, which is a public private partnership including private sector companies from the Netherlands and Kenya as well as government and knowledge institutes.  FoodTechAfrica’s mandate is to boost the aquaculture sector in East Africa resulting in an increase in production and an improved access to animal protein in East Africa. In such, contribute towards a more food secure East Africa.


Lattice Aqua provides a wide range of services to a diverse clientele locally, regionally and internationally, offering solutions to specific aquaculture initiatives intended to promote sustainable aquaculture development in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda.

  • Aquaculture value chain development
  • Aquaculture financial management training
  • Capacity building and knowledge transfer
  • Social and economic development through Aquaculture
  • Water and Environment conservation in Aquaculture

Lattice together with its partners have conducted the following Research assignments Fisheries & Aquaculture East Africa;

No.Project NameDescription Country ClientPartner(s)
1.Assessing East Africa’s Tilapia market: Size, Sustainability and Opportunities for growth in Aquaculture (2016). • Quantitative analysis into Tilapia imports into East Africa from China.

• Case studies on effects of Tilapia importation on fish farming in across Kenya.

• Quantitative research on international markets and bench marks.
Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and KenyaMsingi East Africa (funded by UK Department for International Development (DFID) and Gatsby FoundationLarive
Holland Aqua BV
2.Impact of Tilapia Imports on Aquaculture Development (2016).• Analysis of the presence and impact of imported Chinese fish in the Kenyan and East African region currently and in the future.
• Providing insights into countering the threats, if any, that may be posed by these imports to the growing aquaculture industry and recommend approaches to counteract these challenges.
East AfricaNetherlands Ministry of Foreign AffairsLarive
3.Kenya Aquaculture Market Research (2017)• Background on developments in the aquaculture space in Kenya.

• Estimate of current demand for aquaculture fish species by type of market.
• Analysis of future demand and gap in supply by fish species and type of market in Kenya.
• Potential for export farmed fish.
• Analysis of the key constraints and opportunities of the aquaculture sector.
• Best practice case: Egypt.
• Key recommendations for the investment in smallholder aquaculture in Kenya.
Kenya International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)Larive
4.Aquaculture marketing and Sales channel analysis in East Africa (2014)• Distribution of Fish in East Africa: farmers, distributors, markets and hotels.
• Challenges facing aquaculture in the region.
• Recommendations FoodTechAfrica regarding type of fish, distribution and markets.
East Africa Netherlands Ministry of Foreign AffairsLarive
5.Aquaculture value chain in East Africa: fish feed producers research and visit program (2014)• Research seeking to identify key players in the animal feed industry and opportunities for investment in East African countries.
• A Market Study on the size and sustainability of East Africa’s Consumer market for Tilapia.
• Highlight the key players, what they produce and identify the companies with great potential to be strategic partners for FTA.
• Develop a long list and short list of feed companies which produce feed for sale to the retail market and are run professionally.
• Preparation and implementation of visit to relevant feed producers.
East AfricaNetherlands Ministry of Foreign AffairsLarive
6.From Fish To VegetablesA feasibility study on re-using aquaculture wastewater for crop production in KenyaKenyaThe Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RvO) under the Small Business Innovation Research program