Lattice Aqua is a Kenyan based entity, specialized in the East African Aquaculture sector and Aquaculture development.
Lattice Aqua falls under the Lattice Consulting Ltd. Umbrella. Lattice Consulting was established in 2003 as a boutique advisory firm in corporate finance, strategy, market entry and research. Over the past 5 years Lattice has undertaken a number of researches into the East African Aquaculture sector.
Lattice is a Larive International BV. Partner and official Larive group member. Lattice Consulting and Larive International together steer the FoodTechAfrica group, which is a public private partnership including private sector companies from the Netherlands and Kenya as well as government and knowledge institutes. FoodTechAfrica’s mandate is to boost the aquaculture sector in East Africa resulting in an increase in production and an improved access to animal protein in East Africa. In such, contribute towards a more food secure East Africa.